Acupuncture is a safe and natural method of treating pain in kids with chronic pain or other conditions. The treatment activates a child's body's self-healing properties. When your child commences treatment, the effects of acupuncture will be noticeable immediately. It will take several treatments to realize a significant improvement in the symptoms.

Acupuncture treatments are cumulative since they build on themselves. Your child will gradually feel better after every treatment. Depending on your treatment needs, you can access acupuncture treatment on an outpatient or inpatient basis. For the best results, you should only work with an experienced acupuncturist with advanced training, certification, and licensure in acupuncture.

Understanding Acupuncture

In acupuncture treatment, an acupuncturist inserts tiny needles through the patient's skin at various points on the body. The nerves, muscles, and blood vessels can be stimulated at the target points. Acupuncture treatment has been around for thousands of years. The treatment works by stimulating the brain to release chemicals that activate the body's self-healing properties.

Acupuncture treatment can be beneficial for many children, especially those with the following conditions:

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Headaches, especially recurring migraines
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Musculoskeletal pain syndrome
  • Digestive issues like constipation or bloating
  • Juvenile fibromyalgia
  • Sleep problems like taking too long to fall asleep or frequent sleep disruptions
  • Mood disorders

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Almost every time people hear about pediatric acupuncture, they ask: Acupuncture for children? Yes, most children love acupuncture. Many parents question this fact because they assume that children hate needles, yet acupuncture revolves around needle insertion. Parents believe that there is no way a child would love this traditional Chinese medicine.

Most parents do not realize that needle insertion is for older children, usually those over eight years old. An acupuncturist can use a different approach for children below eight, usually massage, using tiny specialized tools.

If a child is over eight years old and agrees to try the needles, the acupuncturist uses a few needles, probably four, and increases the needles over time. Children get more comfortable after undergoing several sessions. Acupuncture treatment should not hurt. When children realize how simple and relaxing the procedure is, they fall in love with it. You would be shocked to learn that most children even sleep through the procedure.

Traditional Chinese medicine employs a holistic approach to health and healing. The treatment aims to trigger the body to achieve a healthy, energetic balance. Instead of treating a symptom like a toe pain or headache, the treatment focuses on the whole body and targets the root of the problem. When the root problem is addressed, the accompanying symptoms are also addressed.

Whether Acupuncture Is Suitable For Children

Acupuncture can come in handy if you seek to enhance your child's overall well-being. Choosing the best way to enhance your child's well-being can be daunting as a patient. You can struggle with conflicting messages from different directions. Your child could be hesitant or even resist the treatment. A common question most parents ask is: Is acupuncture safe for children? The treatment is a natural and safe therapy for a child that can work wonders, irrespective of your child's age.

As a parent, it is crucial to understand what acupuncture is, how it works, and the expected results. Most parents who seek acupuncture treatment for their children have experienced the benefits firsthand, having also undergone acupuncture treatment. Understanding how acupuncture works gives parents the knowledge and confidence that their child will also benefit from the treatment.

The good thing about acupuncture treatment is that it is a safe therapy that employs a personalized approach to diagnosis and treatment. The treatment will be tailored to your child's unique needs. Acupuncturists understand the uniqueness of every patient and treat the person rather than the symptoms. Before commencing treatment, the acupuncturist will identify the root cause of your child's physical or mental disorder and target this cause during treatment. The use of personalized acupuncture channels re-establishes the body's normal functioning and triggers the body's natural healing mechanisms.

The Benefits Of Acupuncture

Your child can reap many benefits from acupuncture treatment. The treatment can:

  • Trigger the body's self-healing mechanism
  • Stimulate the child's brain to make it produce endorphins
  • Calm down the child's sympathetic nervous system
  • Relax the muscles, ligaments, and tendons
  • Influence how a child's brain interprets pain signals
  • Increase the blood flow and bring more oxygen to the tissues
  • Decrease the number of medications a child needs

Parents must understand that acupuncture is a process. Therefore, your child might not feel better after the first visit. A patient could even feel worse before feeling better. When a child experiences chronic pain, it will take some time for the body to become imbalanced to experience these symptoms. Acupuncture treatment nudges the body's system, returning it to normal function and restoring the body to balance, also known as homeostasis.

To understand how acupuncture works, think of a kink in a hose. When water runs through the hose, the kink will smooth out. However, when you turn off the water, the kink recurs. It can take some time before you smooth the structure of the hose permanently. However, running the water consistently and smoothing out the kink repeatedly will eventually go away. This is how acupuncture works—it balances a child's body's systems over time.

Younger People Respond To Acupuncture Treatment Better Than Adults

Children and younger people who undergo acupuncture treatment respond better than adults. Young people have a better innate potential for healing. Therefore, it takes just several sessions to re-balance their systems. The tremendous curative capabilities of children make them heal faster than older people, given that children have a higher level of cellular activity. With higher cell regeneration, children enjoy faster physical repair. The maturing brains in children also allow tremendous learning, mental aptitudes, and resilience.

How Acupuncture Treatment Can Help Children

When bringing up children, parents experience inevitable challenges. The good news is that something can be done to improve a child's well-being. Here are some conditions that can be treated with acupuncture for kids:

Skin Conditions

Skin conditions like acne, rashes, or eczema are unpleasant and can affect a child's self-esteem and confidence. Acupuncture is efficacious in improving skin conditions in children. Skin conditions are a sign that a child's body could be overheating. The issue can be corrected by balancing a child's Yin (cool) and Yang (hot).


Allergies are prevalent in children, including young babies. Children develop allergies due to their overly sensitive immune systems. Acupuncture can moderate a child's immune response. The procedure can treat various allergies and intolerances, including dietary, environmental, and seasonal. Before you cut out that meal from your child's diet or restrict the child from interacting with pets, consider acupuncture.

Recovery From Injuries And Illnesses

Acupuncture can be an ideal post-injury treatment after an injury or illness. The treatment boosts the body's healing powers. It is beneficial when a child's recovery takes longer than expected. If the aftermath of an injury or illness is getting in the way of a child resuming school or routines, acupuncture could be what the child needs.

Eating And Digestive Disorders

Your child's eating habits can turn out to be a challenge, mainly if a child develops an eating disorder. Many children also suffer from digestive disorders. Colitis is a common digestive disorder in babies, while toddlers and young children struggle with recurring sore tummies. Other common digestive issues in children include unexplained diarrhea and constipation.

The ideal treatment plan will depend on the cause of the imbalance. The acupuncturist will also determine whether the underlying cause of the eating or digestive disorder is mental or physical. Acupuncture treatment does not just help the affected child; it also brings back much-needed peace in the family.

Sleep Disorders

Many parents struggle with their children's sleep patterns. Some babies master appropriate sleep patterns over time. However, in some cases, poor sleep patterns persist for many years. Sleep disorders are also common in teenagers, mainly due to increased anxiety, stress, depression, and bad moods. When it comes to sleep disorders, acupuncturists consider many factors. The common characteristics include challenges falling asleep, vivid dreams, or the child waking up too early. Sleep plays a crucial role in a child's well-being. A good sleep pattern in a child has a significant impact on the child irrespective of their age.

Behavioral Issues

Children, irrespective of their age, can portray a wide range of emotions. Some children act in a particular manner to see how their guardians respond. However, sometimes, the inappropriateness of a child's behavior could be a sign of disharmony in other energies in the body. Acupuncture can treat unexplained or unexpected mood changes in a child. Many young people portray significant improvement even after a single acupuncture session. The treatment can be especially beneficial to children who portray extreme violence or anger at home or school.

Chronic Fatigue

Most people assume that fatigue is purely physical, as indicated by its origin and manifestation. However, fatigue can also be linked to mental and emotional issues. Acupuncture treatment can treat extreme tiredness and the accompanying mental challenges. The treatment improves fatigue symptoms and enhances long-term good health.

Mental Health Issues

Acupuncture is also effective in helping children who struggle with mental health issues like depression and anxiety. These issues can stem out of nowhere or occur when a child undergoes a traumatic event. The treatment can also be useful when a child is going through a challenging event like an exam, interview, audition, or career planning. Acupuncture can help a child to relieve stress and re-balance, enabling them to feel nurtured and regain their self-confidence. Seeking acupuncture treatment for your child can enhance their decision-making skills, clarity of thought, and determination.

Whether Acupuncture Is Painful

Acupuncturists use thin needles when performing the procedure. A child can experience a slight prick as the acupuncturist pushes the needle through the skin. It is also normal to experience an ache, warmth, tingling, or mild discomfort. However, some children do not experience any discomfort.

Sometimes, acupuncturists do not use needles when administering acupuncture treatment to children. An acupuncturist can stimulate the target points without needles, depending on a child's needs/ Acupuncturists work to ensure that children are comfortable during treatment.

Preparing Your Child For Acupuncture Treatment

The number of sessions and the frequency of acupuncture treatments will depend on a child's condition. Typically, patients begin with weekly sessions and decrease the frequency as their symptoms improve. Your child's first appointment can last one hour, but the consecutive appointments will likely last thirty minutes.

On the day of treatment, you should ensure that your child eats something before the treatment. The child should also wear loose and comfortable clothing.

Ensure that your child drinks plenty of water after the acupuncture session. The patient should also take it easy and avoid strenuous activity after treatment. Acupuncture treatments can cause drowsiness, so the child should avoid participating in activities like operating machinery or driving.

The Side Effects Of Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture is a natural, safe, and drug-free treatment method. Acupuncturists only use sterile needles. A small percentage of patients can experience some side effects. The potential side effects include:

  • Bruising or minor bleeding
  • Worsening symptoms —if this happens, you should inform the acupuncturist—an acupuncturist can adjust the treatment accordingly.
  • Drowsiness
  • Weakness or fainting, especially after the first treatment, can happen if a child has not eaten.
  • On very rare occasions, trauma can occur to the internal organs when the acupuncturist stimulates certain points. However, this should not be a cause for alarm because professional acupuncturists are trained to prevent it.

Find An Experienced Acupuncturist Near Me

If you are wondering whether acupuncture or conventional Chinese medicine can benefit your child, the best thing would be to schedule an appointment with an acupuncturist. An acupuncturist will identify the specific issue your child is experiencing and recommend the best therapy to address it. If you need reliable acupuncture services for kids in Torrance, CA, we invite you to contact Trinity Acupuncture. We have experienced acupuncturists who handle adults and children. We take pride in being the go-to acupuncturists. Our clients choose us for our high-quality services and affordable pricing. Contact us at 310-371-1777 to speak to one of our acupuncturists.