When stressed, the thought of multiple needles piercing your skin may not sound helpful. However, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) has utilized acupuncture for many years to relieve pain and cure other health conditions. When it is about anxiety, acupuncturists place needles in various areas of your body (acupoints), such as the wrists, the ears, and between the eyes. Acupuncture also has scientific and anecdotal evidence supporting its effectiveness. Here is what you should know regarding acupuncture therapy for anxiety management, including home remedies, benefits, and risks.

Does Acupuncture Alleviate Anxiety?

Acupuncture does help ease anxiety. It regulates the central nervous system by returning the autonomic nervous system branches to balance. Acupuncture treatment assists in shifting the body to a more relaxed shape, whereby the sympathetic nervous system becomes more balanced and not dominating.

As per TCM, qi (energy) flows down and up pathways within the body. Sometimes, the qi becomes blocked, excessive, unbalanced, or deficient. This makes the body lose balance, causing illnesses. Acupuncture treatment restores balance and promotes healing.

How Acupuncture for Anxiety Treatment Works

Acupuncture utilizes a holistic or whole-system approach to a patient’s well-being. This approach might include various suggestions for exercise (particularly Tai Chi and Qi Gong), phytotherapy (using medicines derived from herbs or plants), nutrition, and psychotherapy.

Acupuncturists do not separate a patient's mental and physical aspects, as they are closely tied together. You could, for example, inform an acupuncturist that you feel anxious and wake up sweaty at night, and they will not think you are reporting two completely different problems. Rather, they will just see that you described the signs of yin deficiency, which is the most prevalent explanation for anxiety.

Yin and yang permit an individual to have balanced energy. Yin deficiency signifies problems associated with emotions, and symptoms could include anxiety, tension, depression, and night sweats.

How an Acupuncture Session Happens

An acupuncturist works with you closely to know your health needs and goals before they place any acupuncture needles in the acupoints found on channels in 3-dimensional spaces beneath the skin. During your initial assessment, you will do a comprehensive medical history evaluation with the acupuncturist.

Then, you will relax comfortably on a table, lying on your back, while the acupuncturist carefully inserts fine needles, approximately a hair's width, under your skin's surface. When inserted correctly, the needles should not hurt. They remain there for approximately thirty minutes. Although it varies based on the acupuncture practitioner, some acupuncturists leave patients in the treatment room with essential oils, soothing sounds playing, a blanket, or a heat lamp.

How Quickly Will Acupuncture Work?

You can feel relaxed within a few minutes of the acupuncturist placing the needles in the required areas. How many acupuncture sessions an individual requires to realize a decrease in anxiety levels generally varies. Some acupuncture practitioners claim a patient’s symptoms may improve after two sessions or even one.

Acupoints for Anxiety

When treating anxiety with acupuncture, acupuncturists do not just insert the needles in random places in the body. The needles must go into acupoints—specific locations contingent on your mental or physical symptoms.

Acupoints for anxiety are located in the following areas:

  • Inside the wrists—the acupoint located inside the wrists is the Shenmen. According to a study carried out in 2022, applying electroacupuncture to the Shenmen improves anxiety, depression, regulation, and sleep in individuals who have insomnia. When applying electroacupuncture, acupuncture practitioners place needles into the skin and apply a small amount of electricity through them. This produces a soft vibration, or hum, during treatment.
  • On the crease of the wrist—Heart 7 is the acupoint found on the crease of the wrists. One animal study that researched the stimulation of this acupoint found that it relieved anxiety associated with alcohol use. If more studies can show the same results in humans, stimulating Heart 7 might have clinical uses by easing anxiety associated with alcohol use.
  • Between the eyebrows—the acupoint between the eyebrows is known as Yintang. Several studies have shown that patients consistently report feeling less anxious before surgery after undergoing acupuncture on this acupoint. Acupuncturists consider Yintang the “third eye.” They believe it to have a mental stabilizing effect.
  • At the top of the head—The acupoint located at the top of the head is known as Baihui. Since this acupoint is located at the highest part of the head, acupuncture practitioners claim it uplifts spirits and clears the mind. Consequently, its therapeutic uses may include treating anxiety, headaches, strokes, and dizziness. Currently, the studies investigating the use of Baihui entail animal research rather than human studies. 
  • At the thumb base and index finger—an acupoint between the thumb base and index finger is called Hegu. In one study conducted in 2020, researchers investigated whether acupuncture treatment, in addition to lifestyle and dietary changes, improves mood in individuals with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). The research found that people who underwent acupuncture treatment had more significant relief from depression and anxiety symptoms than those who did not receive the treatment. This suggests that Hegu and other acupoints might have mood-lifting effects in individuals with PCOS, though whether this works for those who do not have this condition is not known.
  • Other acupoints for anxiety are found in the ears or breastbone and on the feet.

Benefits of Acupuncture for Anxiety

Acupuncture is more beneficial for alleviating anxiety symptoms than sham acupuncture, medication, and other treatments. Still, it is unclear whether individuals with other forms of anxiety may benefit. More quality, random, controlled clinical trials are required to comprehend how effective the therapy may be in alleviating various forms of anxiety disorders, for example:

  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Separation anxiety disorder
  • Selective mutism
  • Phobias
  • Panic disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Agoraphobia

Additionally, acupuncture therapy for anxiety could be beneficial for surgeries. One research study compared pharmacological and acupuncture treatments. Individuals who had undergone acupuncture therapy before hernia repair or gallbladder surgery had fewer pre-operative activities than those who took the anti-anxiety medicine Midazolam, a form of benzodiazepine.

Generally, acupuncture treatment has other advantages. Many research studies on its effects center on headaches, neck, knee, and low-back pain. There is also evidence to prove acupuncture treatment may be beneficial for alleviating anxiety in patients experiencing chronic pain. A study recommended that acupuncture can regulate areas of the brain that regulate emotions and pain.

Possible Side Effects and Risks of Acupuncture for Anxiety

Acupuncture therapy is significantly safe, and there is no evidence suggesting it can worsen the anxiety condition. Nevertheless, carefully choosing your acupuncturist will assist in decreasing the odds that you might experience complications. A board-certified, skilled practitioner will be keen on conducting the treatment properly and utilizing sterile needles.

Disposable, single-use needles are recommended for the treatment. The FDA regulates acupuncture needles. They are deemed medical devices, and only licensed professionals can use them. Avoid acupuncturists who use incorrect acupuncture procedures and non-sterile needles, as they are unsafe or nonstandard.

Most of the complications linked to acupuncture treatment originate from unlicensed use, unsterile needles, or improper technique. You may experience various side effects, like:

  • Punctured organs
  • Needle pain
  • Infections
  • Hematoma (bad bruising)
  • Faintness during the treatment session
  • Injury to the central nervous system
  • Bleeding

You should consult your doctor before undergoing acupuncture treatment if you are pregnant or experiencing seizures, a bleeding disorder, a chronic infection, or a skin disorder. Again, the risks and side effects are minimal if a certified and properly trained practitioner conducts the treatment.

Homemade Acupuncture Strategies for Anxiety Management

Acupuncture stimulates particular points within the body, usually using needles to enhance health and well-being. However, per United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, acupuncture needles are only sold to qualified and licensed acupuncturists. Certified acupuncturists undergo extensive training on palpation and acupoint locations.

So, how can you maintain the feel-good outcomes in between acupuncture sessions? You can do various things in the comfort of your home to prolong the benefits you achieve after an acupuncture session. These include the following:

Maintain your social connections—several factors have dramatically impacted our capability to remain connected with family and friends. Even though you may not see other people as often, that does not mean your social connections should be affected. Do everything possible to create connections with people in your home. Try acupressure on one another, family yoga, or cooking tasty plant-based meals.

Try acupressure— studies have shown that acupressure is effective in easing anxiety. Acupressure is a kind of massage targeting specific acupoints with pressure and deep breathing. It utilizes the same approach as acupuncture—only without needles. You can use your thumbs, fingers, hands, or a probe/stylus to exert pressure on particular acupoints and obtain relief from symptoms. Acupressure can also assist in alleviating moderate to mild pain in connective tissue and muscle and treat neuropathic, gastrointestinal, and psycho-emotional illnesses. Ask your acupuncture practitioner for personalized acupressure points for your health concerns.

Breathe deeply—whereas most breathing exercises may assist you in relaxing, keep it simple. Try a four-breath cycle per minute to reset your nervous system and slow your breathing. Inhale for 7 seconds, pause and then exhale for 7 seconds.

Move a lot—movement is therapeutic. Techniques such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and yoga can assist you in maintaining body balance. You can search for relevant videos and materials on YouTube to guide you through stress-reducing practices.

Try ear seeds—an acupuncture practitioner applies these tiny seeds to trigger the acupressure points in your ears and encourage qi flow within the body. Acupuncture practitioners often use ear seeds to help treat nicotine addiction or panic attacks. The seeds are also helpful for problems such as pain management and weight loss.

Be keen on your diet—diet contributes significantly to maintaining acupuncture effects. Rather than eat beer and pizza after you leave your session, go for plant-based meals and drink lots of water. Consider seeing a plant-based nutritionist to assist you in learning how to include more nutrient- and antioxidant-rich plants in your diet.

Achieving Calm

Staying calm at the moment might be an uphill task. The idea is to maintain some normalcy amidst the chaos. Usually, with anxiety episodes, thoughts can be chaotic, and there is a certain degree of fear regarding the future. At times, just knowing you are engaged in something productive—be it undergoing acupuncture therapy, doing self-massage, or exercising—can assist in reducing worries regarding things you have no control over.

The Cost

The cost of acupuncture treatment varies from one clinic to another. However, on average, a single session costs 75 U.S. dollars. However, there are often consultation fees for the initial visit. This entails an initial evaluation, which costs approximately a hundred U.S. dollars. Follow-up visits are cheaper and usually cost 70 U.S. dollars each, and some locations may be more costly than others.

The good news is that many medical insurance plans, including Medicare and California health plans, cover acupuncture treatment, so you may not have to pay significant cash to obtain it. Talk to your medical insurance provider to know whether they cover the therapy and to what extent.

Find a Professional Acupuncturist Near Me

If you struggle with depression or anxiety and it is interfering with your life or capability to function, it may be time to try out acupuncture therapy. Studies have shown that acupuncture can effectively alleviate anxiety symptoms, and there are minimal risks and side effects when done properly with sterile needles. Consequently, you need to ensure a professional acupuncturist conducts the treatment.

Here at Trinity Acupuncture, we offer effective TCM treatment and acupuncture for anxiety. With several years of experience, our acupuncturists are devoted to our clients’ mental wellness and general health. Our patients find that TCM is effective in relieving their symptoms. Some use our services alongside Western medical care, whereas others stick to acupuncture alone to alleviate their symptoms and avoid the side effects of other forms of treatments.

Treatment frequency varies among patients based on the customized treatment plan acupuncturists discuss with individual patients.  We provide a customized treatment plan tailored to your health needs. If you seek to undergo acupuncture for anxiety in Torrance, CA, do not hesitate to call us at 310-371-1777 for a consultation.