People rarely discuss issues to do with mental health. So, alternative medicines for cognitive problems are overlooked even when they are as practical or more effective as conventional medicine and therapy. One of these treatments is acupuncture, which has proved effective in addressing insomnia, anxiety disorder, depression, and emotional regulation issues. Discussed below is how acupuncture benefits your mental wellness.
Understanding Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a treatment that traces its name back to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The method is commonly used to address pain and stress. It was developed with the notion that energy imbalance is the cause of most medical issues, including mental health problems. Acupuncture rebalances your body's energy, also called chi or qi, allowing energy to flow freely through the meridians or channels.
Usually, chi obstructs the meridian paths or channels, causing an energy imbalance that leads to illnesses. Thin, sterilized needles are inserted in the acupuncture points to regulate energy flow and restore balance. They open the obstructed energy channels.
Mental Health Acupuncture
People deal with stress differently. Some eat more and gain weight, while others eat less and experience weight loss. Other people feel fatigued, while others suffer from disturbed sleep. Stress affects your mental and emotional wellness, leading to anxiety disorders and other complications like heartburn and ulcers. Stress manifests in various ways, but what is evident is that your mind and body are internally related, and the functionality of one affects the other.
In TCM, each body organ function or type is related to a spirit, emotion, or illness pattern. The patterns show your chances of developing a specific illness or tendency.
For instance, the spleen composes your digestive system but is related to your emotions and the thought spirit, or Yi. When your spleen becomes weak, it causes dampness, fatigue, body heaviness, bloating, or food coma. You can also experience reduced metabolism and weight gain. The dampness also causes diarrhea and other digestive system-related issues. The Yi in the organ also causes overthinking and worrying, which increases the risk of stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
Advantages of Acupuncture for Anxiety Disorder and Stress
The primary cause of stress is usually external factors. However, anxiety is caused by negative internal thoughts or emotions. Therefore, resolving the external stress triggers can help reduce anxiety. Also, addressing the internal negative emotions that cause anxiety can reduce stress.
Many studies have been done on the benefits of acupuncture for general body well-being. The TCM is used to address health conditions like severe pain, type 2 diabetes, headaches, and Parkinson’s illness.
Acupuncturists have been using the treatment to manage pain. However, with more research, the therapy has been proven to manage general wellness and anxiety.
When the needles are inserted in the acupuncture points, they activate the feel-good chemicals in the body and lower cortisol levels, making it a highly effective treatment for stress and anxiety management. The adrenal gland produces this hormone called cortisol, and its production increases when you are stressed. Cortisol production is a natural body response that boosts your immune system, helping heal inflammation.
However, if the adrenal glands produce cortisol at high levels for a long time, it could result in adverse effects like an elevated risk of type 2 diabetes and anxiety disorder, which is a feeling of constant anxiety.
Acupuncture helps treat anxiety and stress through energy redirection and changes the body’s psychological reaction to stress and anxiety. Also, it reduces cortisol production in the body, reducing stress and anxiety.
Many research studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating stress and anxiety. A 2017 study that involved performing acupuncture on rats showed that the treatment was highly influential in lowering anxiety and stress levels. The therapy affects how the body reacts to fight or flight reflexes.
While there is a need for more research on the same, there is sufficient evidence that acupuncture can be utilized as an alternative medicine to address anxiety disorders. Acupuncture enhances blood flow and oxygen distribution in the body, reducing tension and thus helping to lower anxiety levels.
If you suffer from anxiety, talk to a physician to establish the source of the illness. If you try modern medicine to address the condition without success, you should consult a certified acupuncturist for an alternative therapy.
Acupuncture has been proven to treat or regulate anxiety and stress safely. Although more research is needed, the concluded studies have shown that the treatment is effective and can help alleviate anxiety symptoms. If you are continuing with anxiety medication or therapy, you can safely combine them with acupuncture but do not stop the existing treatment without consulting your physician.
Acupuncture Benefits for Depression
Acupuncture has also proven to be an effective antidepressant. A review performed on 207 clinical research studies on acupuncture's effects on depressive conditions demonstrated that monotherapy acupuncture is as effective as antidepressants in addressing depression symptoms.
Antidepressants are associated with severe withdrawal effects when you stop the medications. This makes acupuncture highly advantageous over antidepressants, as it has minimal side effects. The treatment also helps treat the withdrawal effects of antidepressants.
Sometimes, depression can stem from chronic pain. Therefore, when you use acupuncture to alleviate the pain, you can indirectly treat depression. However, before the treatment, your physician must first diagnose the cause of the depression as chronic pain. That way, you can undergo acupuncture sessions to treat the pain.
Acupuncture Benefits for Insomnia
Otherwise called disturbed sleep, insomnia refers to difficulty falling asleep. Your physician will diagnose you with short-term insomnia if you stay awake for a minimum of three days a week for three months or experience problems sleeping that significantly affect your body function or cause distress.
The common causes of insomnia, whether short-term or acute, are:
- Stress
- Traumatic events
- Physical pain
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Poor sleeping habits
- Nicotine or alcohol
- Medical illnesses
If you develop insomnia, you will experience the following symptoms:
- Daytime fatigue
- Low energy
- Difficulties concentrating
- Tension headaches
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- A lack of body coordination
- Relying on medication to fall asleep
After your physician diagnoses you with insomnia, you should consider alternative medicine like acupuncture. The treatment is a neuromodulator, which tones down the brain’s pain and sensory signal perception.
Your acupuncturist develops a treatment plan to create energy balance in the body. The acupuncturist can also administer herbs like honey, chamomile tea, or jujube. These herbs contain nerve-relaxing elements that help you sleep better.
With acupuncture, the acupuncturist inserts tiny needles in specific body parts that correspond with your symptoms. The physician then leaves these needles in the acupuncture points for twenty to forty minutes. For the treatment to be effective, you require at least two five-week sessions. The duration of treatment depends on whether you suffer from acute or short-term insomnia. With less severe insomnia, you will require less than ten sessions. However, if you are diagnosed with acute insomnia, you will require over ten sessions.
Acupuncture offers several benefits when it comes to treating insomnia. These benefits are:
- Acupuncture elevates melatonin secretion, a hormone charged with sleep cycle regulation
- The treatment increases nitric oxide, which promotes brain function. With the brain functioning normally, the mind is relaxed, and it is easy to fall asleep.
- Acupuncture improves blood circulation and energy flow, helps with body and mind relaxation, and enhances sleep quality.
- Acupuncture also reduces the activities of your sympathetic nervous system, which controls your fight-to-flight reflexes. Therefore, by reducing the system's activities, your body stays calm, and relaxation levels increase, enabling you to fall asleep.
- Acupuncture regulates the levels of modulators like neuropeptides, GABA, and dopamine.
Compared to insomnia patients who do not receive any treatment, acupuncture benefits those who opt for it instead of not receiving any treatment at all. Again, acupuncture promotes sleep duration in a way similar to that of medication. Therefore, instead of relying on medication to fall asleep, you can depend on acupuncture. Traditional insomnia treatment also combines different forms of therapy, proving to be more effective than medication.
Prolonged use of medication to fall asleep causes dependency, and pausing the medication can have severe side effects. However, with insomnia acupuncture, there are little or no side effects.
Benefits of Acupuncture for Emotional Regulation
An inability to regulate your emotions can cause mental health problems. Acupuncture regulates your emotions, improving your mental health. The treatment stimulates the production of hormones that positively impact your mood and emotions. The whole process is a matter of perspective.
Scientific studies have demonstrated that acupuncture stimulates acupoints, affecting the functionality of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a critical body system linking the endocrine and central nervous systems. The axis regulates body hormones. Therefore, when their functionality improves after stimulation through acupuncture, your body achieves a hormonal balance that enhances your emotions. Acupuncture restores energy balance and flow in the body, which, when obstructed, causes emotional problems.
Choosing the Right Acupuncturist
Acupuncture has gained widespread recognition for its multiple benefits in treating mental health conditions. However, with the increase in TCM practitioners and acupuncturists in California, the challenge comes in finding the right professional for your treatment. The tips to help you find the proper professional include:
Understand Your Mental Health Needs
You must begin by establishing the source of your mental health issue to find the right acupuncturist to help you enjoy the benefits of this alternative medicine. Whether you want to treat insomnia, depression, anxiety, or chronic stress, you should begin by understanding your medical needs to find the right expert. Acupuncturists have their own areas of specialization, so you must find an expert with knowledge of your specific field.
Check Qualifications and Credentials
The acupuncturist you are considering for your mental health problem must have a valid license from the California Acupuncture Board. Possessing a valid license indicates the acupuncturist has the relevant education and training to offer treatment. You can confirm the validity of the license online and look for additional credentials, like herbal medicine certification.
Experience and Skills
The experience of your acupuncturist matters. An acupuncturist who has been practicing for decades and focuses on mental health will have more expertise and understanding of various techniques to help address your condition. For instance, if you want to address chronic stress that conventional medicine and therapy have failed to treat, you should consider a practitioner focusing on stress management. You can visit the TCM practice’s website and read reviews from previous clients with mental health issues like yours. If previous treatments have been successful, chances are high that you will obtain the outcome you are looking for at the end of the treatment.
Consider the Acupuncturist’s Location
Mental health acupuncture requires at least two to three sessions per week. Therefore, convenience and accessibility are critical when finding a professional. Look for a practice within your home or office. Apart from location, you must ensure the clinic's operating hours fit your schedule.
Insurance Coverage and Cost
Acupuncture is an expensive treatment, and not all insurance companies provide coverage. Therefore, share your insurance information with your acupuncturist to confirm if the treatment you seek is covered.
Also, you should request a detailed quote for the treatment costs. If your procedure is not insured, cost will be a problem, and you want to understand the payment plans the practitioner has in place to make the treatment affordable.
Rapport With the Acupuncturist
Your comfort and personal relationship with the acupuncturist will affect the procedure's outcome. Therefore, you should find a TCM professional you feel comfortable speaking to about your health issue. Besides, find someone willing to listen to your problems and explain the treatment process to help you understand what to expect.
Participation in Continuing Education Program
Acupuncture and TCM are continually evolving, with new techniques being introduced to address various mental health illnesses. Therefore, look for an acupuncturist who participates in continuing education programs. This indicates that the professional is equipped with the latest skills and techniques and is familiar with recent studies in the field.
Find a Competent Acupuncturist Near Me
Mental health issues like anxiety, insomnia, depression, and chronic stress have become very common, and people are beginning to discuss them and find the right treatments. Acupuncture is one of the treatments that has proven to be effective in addressing these mental issues by restoring your internal body environment. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with a mental condition in Torrance, CA, call Trinity Acupuncture at 310-371-1777 to arrange a meeting and discuss the advantages of the treatment for your condition.