As parents, we want the best for our children, especially when it comes to health issues. If your child's pediatrician recommends acupuncture treatment, it is natural to worry, especially if you know what the procedure entails. However, you do not have to worry, even if you have a phobia of needles, because the doctor knows what is best for the child.

For starters, this ancient Chinese treatment method helps relieve several chronic health conditions, including migraines, abdominal pain, headaches, and back pain, especially when the doctor combines the treatment with Western medicine. You could notice the effects of acupuncture treatment immediately, or it could take several treatments to see substantial improvement in your child's symptoms.

While the thought or idea of an acupuncturist injecting your child with several needles on his/her skin could be distressing, you do not have to worry if you have a reliable and experienced acupuncturist in your corner. Read on to understand the dos and don'ts of pediatric acupuncture.

What is Acupuncture, and How Does It Work?

Acupuncture is an ancient treatment method that involves the insertion of thin, hair-like needles through your skin at specific points in your body (acupoints) to help alleviate pain and boost your general health. Stimulating these acupoints using these needles can help promote your well-being by unblocking and restoring your body's energy flow, also known as "chi."

When an acupuncturist targets specific areas of your body with his/her thin needles, the treatment can unblock trapped energy and improve your health. Another theory by Western medical practitioners is that the insertion of these needles on the acupuncture points of your body helps stimulate your body to release endorphins, which are your body's natural painkillers.

Even though the thought of seeing several needles stuck in your child's body is scary, acupuncture is a safe treatment method with several advantages. For instance, acupuncture could help your child by:

  • Calming down his/her nervous system
  • Triggering his/her body's natural healing mechanism
  • Increasing his/her blood flow, which brings more oxygen to affected tissues
  • Decreasing the number of medications he/she could need
  • Influencing how his/her brain perceives pain signals

Generally speaking, acupuncture treatment is a process, meaning there is no guarantee your child will feel better immediately after the initial visit. A reliable acupuncturist will monitor your child's healing process and recommend more treatment appointments, if necessary, to help him/her regain his/her optimal health.

The Dos and Don'ts of Pediatric Acupuncture

A reliable acupuncturist understands that children are not adults. If a child needs acupuncture treatment, how the acupuncturist will handle the treatment should differ from how he/she handles an adult's treatment.

If you believe your child is an excellent candidate for acupuncture treatment, consult an acupuncturist for guidance and advice. Below are some of the dos and don'ts of pediatric acupuncture:

Avoid Untrained Acupuncturists

Ensure the acupuncturist you choose to treat your child's health condition is qualified and well-trained for the best services that the child deserves. Although it is acceptable for an acupuncturist to begin treating children without training, you cannot risk settling for the services of an untrained acupuncturist.

Ensure the acupuncturist you choose has hands-on training in pediatric acupuncture. Acupuncture is a treatment method that works on people of all ages, but when dealing with children, an acupuncturist needs to be more keen because of their vulnerability.

The treatment protocols he/she will follow when treating a child differ slightly from what you would expect if an adult were the patient.

Avoid Impatient Acupuncturists

A reliable acupuncturist understands the importance of being patient when treating children. Although it could be a minor setback when a child refuses an acupuncturist to touch him/her during an appointment, he/she should be patient with the child and figure out how to make minor consent to touching. If the child does not want the acupuncturist to touch him/her, he/she can work with his/her parents to ensure the child receives the treatment comfortably.

Disclose the Child's Diet to the Acupuncturist

Aside from helping the acupuncturist understand the cause of the child's health issues, gathering information about his/her diet can help him/her develop an appropriate treatment plan for the minor’s health issue. Before developing an acupuncture treatment plan for the child, a reliable acupuncturist should consider the following:

  • Whether the child is breastfeeding
  • The mother's nutrition if the child is breastfeeding
  • Whether the child is on formula and the type of formula he/she uses

Do Not Deny the Child the Playtime He/she Wants

While having an adult patient lie on a table during a treatment is not a problem, it could be a challenging task when a child is the patient. Your child could feel more comfortable lying on your lap than on an acupuncturist's table, especially during his/her initial appointment.

If the child does not want to lie on your lap to allow you to perform the acupuncture treatment, the acupuncturist should let him/her lie on the floor while playing with his/her toys. A reliable pediatric acupuncturist should be ready to play with his/her patients as he/she performs the treatment to make the process seamless.

Avail Yourself During Your Child's Acupuncture Treatment

When treating a child, an acupuncturist could require your presence during the treatment process. When determining the appropriate treatment the child needs, the acupuncturist will likely consider the dynamics between the child and his/her parents, not just the child.

Sometimes, the required treatment could apply to the child and your entire family. Therefore, when an acupuncturist is treating a child who is nursing or under five years old, he/she should also consider treating his/her mother.

When treating your child, the acupuncturist could also want to treat his/her caregiver because of how in tune and connected children could be with their caregivers or guardians. That means if the child has anxiety issues and his/her primary guardian has the same issues, too, there is a high chance the child could pick up some of these issues from him/her even after the treatment.

Understand the Language the Acupuncturist Uses When Dealing With Children

Although it seems obvious, it is important to understand that a 15-year-old child's comprehension level differs from that of a 7-year-old. Therefore, when looking for a pediatric acupuncturist, you should find one who can communicate well with children of all ages.

A reliable acupuncturist should understand different ways of communicating with children of different ages to understand their health problems and find the ideal treatment method.

Since many children tend to relate to or connect to the thought of our body organs having different colors and sounds, an acupuncturist should find a strategy to incorporate these kinds of talks into their conversation with the child during treatment.

Avoid an Acupuncturist With No Proper Pediatric Acupuncture Needles

When performing acupuncture on a child, an acupuncturist must have proper pediatric needles ideal for this pediatric population. Acupuncture needles for this pediatric population are smaller than those needed when performing acupuncture on an adult.

With smaller and thinner needles, the acupuncture treatment will be easy for the acupuncturist to perform since these needles are typically painless.

Avoid an Acupuncturist Who Does Not Provide Follow-up Treatment

As mentioned above, acupuncture treatment could require you or the child to schedule multiple appointments to achieve the desired results. A reliable pediatric acupuncturist will follow up with the guardian or parent of the child to know the progress of his/her healing process after receiving an acupuncture treatment.

If necessary, the acupuncturist will let you know the next appointment date and time before leaving his/her clinic.

What to Do and Not Do After a Successful Pediatric Acupuncture

As with other treatment methods, you should know what can and cannot affect your child's healing process after a successful pediatric acupuncture session. After an acupuncture treatment, the pediatric acupuncturist will inform your child of the dos and don'ts during the healing process.

As the parent or guardian, you should remind your child of the following dos and don'ts after acupuncture treatment:

  1. Don'ts

After an acupuncture treatment, you should remind your child to avoid the following:

Eating Junk Food

While proper nutrition is important after acupuncture treatment, your child should avoid fast and junk food after this procedure. Since acupuncture focuses on removing toxins from your body, heavily processed foods can bring them back.

Strenuous Activities

Since the child's body needs ample time to recover after an acupuncture treatment, strenuous activities, and exercises could slow the healing process.

Sitting for too Long

Although the child should remain calm and relaxed to allow his/her body's natural energy to flow, sitting or lying in bed for too long is not a great idea after acupuncture treatment to avoid unnecessary adverse effects.

Certain Medications

If your child is on some medications, you should inform the acupuncturist before the procedure. While acupuncture utilizes your body's natural healing mechanism, certain medicines, like blood thinners, could cause issues or complications during your child's treatment.

  1. Dos

For the best results after an acupuncture treatment, you should remind your child to do the following:

Drink Enough Water

Having enough water in your body plays a critical role during and after acupuncture treatment. Drinking plenty of water after an acupuncture treatment helps continue the detoxification process.

Eat Healthy Foods

Nourishing your child's body with a healthy and well-balanced diet can help him/her continue detoxification after an acupuncture treatment.

Keep it Moving

While strenuous activities and exercises are not recommendable, light movements can help your child avoid feeling tight or sole after an acupuncture treatment. That is particularly true if the primary reason for the treatment was to alleviate pain.

Schedule Follow-up Appointments

As mentioned above, acupuncture treatment could require multiple appointments to achieve the desired results. If your child's acupuncturist recommends follow-up appointments, you should make the child available for treatment on the scheduled dates.

How to Prepare Your Child for Acupuncture Treatment

Preparing for the acupuncture treatment ahead of time can help the child reap the most benefit from the procedure. Below are some of the ways you can prepare your child for pediatric acupuncture:

  • Ensure the child does not arrive at the acupuncturist's clinic on an empty stomach. Eating a light meal one or two hours before the appointment to avoid hunger distractions during the treatment session
  • Ensure the child arrives at the acupuncturist clinic with loose and comfortable clothing for easy access to the acupuncture points during the treatment
  • Be ready to spend an hour at your child's first appointment with an acupuncturist. However, after this initial appointment, the follow-up appointment will last thirty minutes or less
  • Ensure the child takes adequate rest and drinks plenty of water for the rest of the day after the acupuncture treatment
  • Help him/her complete all the necessary forms and documents before his/her initial appointment. These forms could require your child to list all the medications he/she is using, including herbs and supplements

Proper and adequate preparation for an acupuncture treatment is important to avoid complications during this crucial procedure and ensure optimal results.

Generally speaking, acupuncture treatment has several benefits, and the procedure would benefit people of all ages.

If you are looking to introduce your child to pediatric acupuncture to boost his/her health and well-being, you should consider the above-explained points.

Find a Reliable Acupuncturist Near Me

If all other conventional treatments cannot treat your child's health issues, acupuncture treatment could help. Ensure you speak with your child's doctor to help determine if acupuncture treatment would be ideal for the child's health issue.

We invite you to call our reliable acupuncturists at Trinity Acupuncture at 310-371-1777 to schedule your first acupuncture treatment appointment with us, wherever you are in Torrance. Our reliable acupuncturist will help you determine whether acupuncture is ideal for your child’s health condition.

We are ready to guide you and offer you and your loved ones the be