Acupuncture is a conventional Chinese medicine technique. It involves inserting needles into the skin at certain areas of the body. This treatment aims to enhance and balance the flow of life force or energy, known as chi or qi. This energy flows through pathways known as meridians. When an acupuncturist inserts needs in strategic areas, it restores the flow of chi, leading to improved physical and mental health.

Understanding Acupuncture

For centuries, acupuncture has been used as a form of alternative medicine. It is effective in treating a wide range of ailments, including mental health disorders. Acupuncturists target locations connected to mental health issues like stress and anxiety. Acupuncture is a natural way of managing and alleviating symptoms while enhancing recovery.

Acupuncture has recently been recognized in Western medicine. Many doctors incorporate this treatment technique into comprehensive treatment plans alongside traditional therapies. While acupuncture is not a stand-alone treatment for mental health issues, integrating it into the recovery process enhances healing.

Areas That Acupuncture Targets

Acupuncturists target certain areas of the body. Here are the target areas:

Shen Men (HT 7)

Also known as the Spirit Gate, this area is located on the inner side of your wrist crease. It lies close to the little finger side of the tendon of muscle flexor carpi ulnaris. Acupuncturists target this area for heart-related issues and emotional healing. This area is particularly important when treating insomnia, anxiety, and heart palpitations. It is also effective in treating withdrawal symptoms.

Zusanli (ST 36)

The Leg Three Miles location lies approximately four finger widths below your kneecap or one finger width outside the tibia. Acupuncturists target these areas to improve digestion and overall health. This point also comes in handy when treating depression, fatigue, and immune-related issues.

Liver 3 (LV 3)

This location is also known as the Great Surge. It is on the foot, between the first and second toes, where your metatarsal bones meet. Acupuncturists focus on this area to balance emotional energy and relieve depression, anger, and stress. The liver plays a significant role in the body's smooth flow of energy (Qi) and blood. Blockages in the flow of energy cause emotional disturbances.


This is the area between your eyebrows. This location is also known as the third eye point. Acupuncturists use Yintang to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve focus.

Ear Points

The ear has several acupuncture points, known as auricular acupuncture. These locations are mainly used to relieve withdrawal and addiction. A specific set of auricular points come in handy in helping people with addiction problems.

An acupuncturist can focus on one or combine several points depending on your symptoms and needs. It is crucial to consult an experienced acupuncturist if you are considering acupuncture for mental health treatment.

What To Expect During Acupuncture Treatment

During treatment, your acupuncturist will insert tiny needles into specific areas of your body. It is normal to experience a minor discomfort during the insertion of needles. Every practitioner who performs acupuncture has a unique style, which will determine your experience. Your practitioner will inquire about your behavior, lifestyle, and symptoms to determine the treatment that works best.

An acupuncture session can last for up to 60 minutes but some sessions are shorter. Your acupuncturist can schedule one or two sessions per week, depending on your needs. The number of sessions will depend on the mental condition being treated and its severity.

Benefits Of Acupuncture For Your Mental Health

Acupuncture provides a holistic approach to mental health. It targets both the psychological and physical aspects of mental health. Below are the leading benefits of using acupuncture to treat medical conditions:

  • Mood regulation — acupuncture affects endorphin and serotonin levels, helping alleviate symptoms of mood disorders and depression.
  • Stress reduction — acupuncture enhances the release of neurotransmitters that enhance stress reduction and relaxation. The treatment regulates your body’s stress response.
  • Anxiety relief — acupuncture is effective in relieving the symptoms of anxiety disorders. It acts on the areas of the brain that are responsible for reducing stress and pain.
  • Balanced energy — under traditional Chinese medicine, mental illness is caused by an imbalance of the body’s energy (Qi). Acupuncture treatment restores this balance and promotes overall emotional well being.
  • Improved sleep — if you suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders, acupuncture treatment can help. The treatment can influence the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.
  • Enhanced cognitive function — following acupuncture treatment, most people report clearer thinking and improved focus.
  • Holistic approach — acupuncture treatment addresses the connection between your mind and body. It provides a holistic approach to mental health. Doctors recommend acupuncture as a complement to conventional treatments.
  • Reduces side effects of medication—acupuncture can help to relieve the side effects of medication used to treat mental disorders. It helps reduce symptoms like nausea, dry mouth, and weight gain.

Acupuncture And Depression

Major depressive disorder or depression, is a mental illness that involves experiencing constant feelings of sadness or loss of pleasure or interest. Depression can also manifest in the following ways:

  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
  • Trouble making decisions, concentrating, or remembering things.
  • Changes in weight.
  • Loss of appetite or increase in appetite (comfort eating).
  • Thoughts of suicide and death.
  • Lack of energy or constant tiredness.
  • Sleeping too much or difficulty sleeping or having.

The common methods of treating depression include medication or talk therapy. Sometimes, doctors combine medication and talk therapy. Acupuncture has gained popularity as a method of treating depression. Depression is one of the main reasons why people seek acupuncture treatment.

Here are the effects of acupuncture on depression:

Reduces The Severity Of Depression

Most people report a significant improvement in depressive symptoms after undergoing acupuncture treatment. People who receive acupuncture, whether targeted or non-specific, improve more than patients who do not. Acupuncture can deliver results that are close to those of antidepressant medication.

Reduced Migraines

Most people suffering from depression also suffer from migraines. People who suffer from migraines or other severe forms of headaches are more likely to develop depression, unlike those who do not have depression. People who receive acupuncture treatment report fewer frequent migraines than those who do not.

Reducing Depression Symptoms During Pregnancy

A significant percentage of women experience depression during pregnancy. For some women, pregnancy is the sole cause of depression. Depression can have negative impacts on both mother and baby. Most women are afraid of taking antidepressants during pregnancy. Most of them turn to alternative treatments for depression. Women who receive depression-specific acupuncture during pregnancy report a reduction of depressive symptoms compared to those who receive other treatments.

The Side Effects Of Acupuncture

The typical side effects of acupuncture include minor bleeding, bruising, or soreness at the points where needles are inserted. Rare side effects of the treatment include nerve damage, dizziness, increased pain, and dermatitis.

You could be at a higher risk of complications if you suffer from certain medical conditions. If you are taking blood thinners or you have a bleeding disorder, you have a higher risk of bruising or bleeding. The other risks of acupuncture treatment include an allergic reaction to needles, soreness, itching in the treatment area, and soreness. You could also experience drowsiness, tiredness, and muscle twitching.

You should probably avoid electro-acupuncture if you have an infusion pump, pacemaker, or other electrical device. Electro-acupuncture uses a device that produces electric stimulation and can interfere with your device.

You should be careful with the type of acupuncture you receive if you are pregnant. Certain forms of acupuncture can induce labor.

You should discuss any acupuncture treatments with your doctor. The best way to avoid adverse impacts of acupuncture is by ensuring that you only work with an experienced acupuncturist. The biggest risk associated with acupuncture is working with an inexperienced acupuncturist.

Choosing The Right Acupuncturists

The risks associated with acupuncture are significantly low. However, it is crucial to work with a certified practitioner. A certified acupuncture practitioner is trained in the proper techniques that reduce the risk of injury.

Most acupuncturists use disposable, single-use needles. Therefore, the risk of infection is quite low. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, the needles used for acupuncture should be made of stainless steel. They should also be solid, nontoxic, and sterile. Your acupuncturist should use a new package or needle during your appointment. During treatment, the acupuncturist should clean the treatment areas with alcohol before inserting the needles.

With so many acupuncturists available to choose from, choosing the right one can be a daunting task. If you are clueless about where you should start looking for an acupuncturist, you should consult your doctor for recommendations. You could also check with the certification commission for acupuncturists in your area. Ensure that you confirm whether your insurance covers the acupuncturist you choose. This way, you can prepare to cover the cost of an acupuncture treatment.

How Fast Acupuncture Works For Anxiety

How fast acupuncture works for anxiety will vary from patient to patient. Some people report immediate relief after one acupuncture session, while others report improvement after several sessions. You should not give up if you do not experience relief after a few sessions.

The duration and frequency of acupuncture treatment depends on several factors. The factors include your overall health, the severity of the symptoms, and how long you have experienced them. Your response will also depend on your lifestyle habits and your individual response to treatment.

You should undergo at least six to eight acupuncture sessions to achieve optimal results. The sessions can be spaced over several weeks or months, depending on your needs and goals. In addition to acupuncture, you can incorporate other treatment methods, like lifestyle changes and talk therapy, to reduce anxiety and improve your overall mental health.

Your acupuncturist will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired mental health.

How Quickly Acupuncture Works For Depression

How fast acupuncture works for depression will also vary from person to person. While some people experience relief after a single session, others have to undergo several sessions to notice an improvement. It is crucial to note that even if acupuncture offers many benefits for mental health, it does not replace conventional treatment for depression. Acupuncture should be used alongside other treatments and therapies or as a part of a comprehensive approach to mental health.

Even if you can rely on acupuncture as a solo treatment, it is more effective when used alongside medication and other clinical treatments. Acupuncture can even help clinical treatments to work better. When used as a part of complementary mental health care, acupuncture can be just as effective as a counseling session.

Knowing If Acupuncture Is Right For You

It is good to do research if you are considering acupuncture. Consider its benefits and risks. You can also ask for the opinion of your doctor or healthcare provider. Here are some of the factors you should consider:

  • Whether you are open to the concept — you will probably find reasons to prove that acupuncture did not work if you are too skeptical about the procedure.
  • Whether you can commit to a regular treatment program — acupuncture is not a one-time treatment but an ongoing therapy. Therefore, it is important to consider whether you are willing and committed to following the program. You will have to meet your acupuncturist regularly.
  • Whether you can afford the treatment — you will have to pay for the acupuncture treatment out-of-pocket if your insurance does not cover the treatment. The treatment can be costly, especially if you are scheduled for multiple treatment sessions.

Whether Insurance Covers Acupuncture

Your insurance provider will determine your coverage for acupuncture treatment. Some large insurers cover acupuncture. However, coverage may be limited to people with certain conditions, like chronic pain. Medicare does not cover acupuncture. If you have questions about who is covered, you should consult your insurance company to obtain coverage information.

Find An Experienced Acupuncturist Near Me

Acupuncture is a safe and effective therapy for mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and boosts overall well-being. It is crucial to ensure that you only work with a certified and experienced acupuncturist. A professional acupuncturist is trained to provide the best care in a safe and clean environment. Working with an acupuncturist who is not certified increases the risk of infection. Ask your doctor or your loved ones for a recommendation. Before you choose an acupuncturist, check their credentials. If you need a reliable acupuncturist in Torrance, CA, contact Trinity Acupuncture. Call us at 310-371-1777 to speak to one of our acupuncturists.