Blood pressure is the force your heart exerts to push blood to the internal walls of your veins and arteries. The force should be moderate, not extreme. If it rises and remains high for an extended period, it can strain the soft tissues of your blood vessels, causing your heart to work harder than it should. As a result, hypertension develops. Some people can slowly manage their blood pressure. Others require medication to control the pressure and the resulting symptoms. But acupuncture and TCM can also help.
High blood pressure, or HBP, is common in adults, particularly those over 60. Left untreated, it can result in heart disease, heart attack, arrhythmia, kidney disease, stroke, and other severe and fatal heart-related complications. It could leave you sickly for years.
If you have consistently high blood pressure, your doctor can advise you to seek treatment to alleviate your symptoms. Some recommendations call for a lifestyle change, while others call for medication. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine or (TCM) healing technique that can benefit you when used alongside other treatment solutions. For many years, acupuncture has successfully helped people manage various health issues, including high blood pressure.
Reasons Why High Blood Pressure is a Serious Health Concern
When you take a blood pressure reading, the results include both the systolic and diastolic measurements. The systolic measurement indicates the force your heart pumps blood away from your heart, whereas the diastolic measurement shows the force blood flows back to the heart between heartbeats.
The regular blood pressure should read 120/80. (120 for systolic and 80 for diastolic). If your systolic blood pressure rises to 130 and stays there for an extended period, you could have stage one or primary hypertension. A 140 systolic or higher blood pressure reading can indicate stage 2 or secondary hypertension. A systolic blood pressure reading of 180 or higher can indicate a hypertension crisis and must be handled as a medical emergency. It can result in a stroke and the failure of vital organs like the kidney.
If your doctor diagnoses you with HBP, they will advise you to make specific lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and quitting dangerous habits like smoking. Even minor changes in your body weight can significantly impact your blood pressure reading. Your doctor can also prescribe antihypertensive medication to help lower your blood pressure. You could be required to take that medication for the rest of your life.
Hypertensive medications do not always work. Other times, they present unpleasant side effects that you must tolerate for the duration of your medication's use. As a result, alternative treatment methods are recommended for people who prefer more natural remedies to restore their health and overall well-being. Acupuncture is highly effective in this regard. You can choose integrative care, which includes herbal supplements and acupuncture treatment, to obtain the results you want for your high blood pressure. When you use natural remedies to restore your health and improve the functioning of your circulatory system, you will no longer need to rely on modern medicines for the rest of your life.
Use of Acupuncture to Treat Primary and Secondary Hypertension
According to doctors, primary or stage one hypertension has no single cause. It could be because of your lifestyle, age, or genetics. Secondary or stage two hypertension, on the other hand, can occur due to serious underlying issues like medications and medical conditions. Secondary hypertension affects only a tiny percentage of people with HBP.
Acupuncture is very effective in controlling primary hypertension, owing to its ability to reduce the effect of associated risk factors, like stress and age. In 2021, women who have undergone menopause participated in a study. Some women in the study received acupuncture treatment four weeks every six months for two years, while others did not. When the results were released, the women who received acupuncture treatment had lower blood pressure readings than those who did not.
Chronic stress has also been treated with acupuncture. Keep in mind that chronic stress is a major cause of primary hypertension. A 2014 study found that acupuncture treatment effectively reduces stress levels as time progresses.
While these and other studies show that acupuncture can effectively treat primary hypertension, the same cannot be said for secondary hypertension. It is true that acupuncture could help control secondary hypertension somewhat, but not directly. A study, for example, was conducted on patients suffering from sleep apnea, a medical condition known to trigger secondary hypertension. According to the findings, acupuncture did not affect their high blood pressure readings.
However, several other studies have found that acupuncture can help relieve common symptoms of leading conditions that trigger secondary hypertension. Type 2 diabetes, thyroid disease, kidney disease, and pregnancy are examples of these conditions. For example, in 2018, a study was conducted on pregnant women suffering from preeclampsia, a medical condition involving HBP. For over two weeks, half of the women in the group received ten acupuncture treatment sessions in addition to their regular treatment routine. The other women received only their traditional medical treatment, not acupuncture.
The results showed that combining acupuncture with standard preeclampsia treatment reduced the women's blood pressure readings. Finally, acupuncture significantly improved women's blood pressure and health compared to women who did not receive acupuncture. More research has shown that acupuncture can help women with preeclampsia keep their pregnancy, even if diagnosed after week 27. There is a good chance that the woman will have a healthy baby after a series of acupuncture treatments.
How Acupuncture Regulates Blood Pressure
TCM practitioners believe acupuncture balances your body's vital energy or qi. Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles through your skin at specific areas on your body, known as acupoints. Acupuncturists believe that acupoints are distinct areas on your body through which qi, or vital energy, flows from your internal organs to your body’s surface. They believe these acupoints are linked to internal organs via pathways or meridians.
Acupuncturists aim to stimulate the vital energy in these points by inserting thin needles into these acupoints. They can balance your vital energy and regulate various bodily functions, like blood pressure if they correctly stimulate specific points. Though there is no clear explanation for acupuncture, there is evidence that stimulating specific points in a person's body can affect their central nervous system. As a result, the flow of blood and the way the body produces vital hormones are impacted.
Acupuncture can lower blood pressure by influencing and controlling hormone production in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system. The system keeps your blood pressure stable and your electrolytes and fluids balanced. For example, acupuncture can alter how vital enzymes and hormones in this system appear in the blood, stimulating receptors that control your blood pressure.
Acupuncture can also aid in producing dopamine, an essential hormone in the brain's reward system. Dopamine reduces oxidative stress and keeps blood pressure in check.
Acupuncturists also believe that acupuncture relaxes your veins’ and arteries’ walls, which is vital in keeping your blood pressure low or moderate.
When administering a blood pressure treatment, your acupuncturist will concentrate on various acupoints. The following acupoints are known to help regulate blood pressure:
- Quchi, a unique point at the crook of the elbow.
- Taichong, a unique point on top of the foot.
- Zusanli, a particular point below the knee.
- Fengchi, a specific place at the back of the neck.
- Fenglong, a specific point on the lower leg.
Note: The treatment regimen for high blood pressure patients is not always the same. Your acupuncturists will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. However, they must first conduct a health study on you to select the best focus points for your treatment sessions.
Treatment Using Acupressure
Acupuncturists use acupressure to treat various ailments, including high blood pressure. Acupressure does not involve inserting needles into specific acupoints but rather stimulating these acupoints to achieve the desired effect. Acupuncturists stimulate specific points within your body by applying pressure to those points with the tip of their finger. If you know the exact acupoints that can lower your blood pressure, you can try them independently. When combined with other traditional treatments, acupressure can effectively treat hypertension.
A 2016 study discovered that pressing taichong can help lower blood pressure. Even though the effects only lasted thirty minutes, acupuncturists believe it is a technique you can use at home to balance your blood pressure. Acupressure can also increase blood circulation to promote relaxation, which is essential for lowering blood pressure. You could also try this at home to check your blood pressure.
According to research, auricular acupressure, which involves pressing specific areas on your ears, can also be an effective and non-intrusive way of lowering high blood pressure at home. These techniques can be used with medical treatments to achieve the desired results.
Taichong is an acupoint that has been identified for the treatment of hypertension. If you want to lower or manage your blood pressure at home, you can do the following:
- Determine the exact point, usually between the big and next toes.
- Feel for metatarsals or a grove of bones extending toward your ankle with your fingertip.
- Move your fingertip along the bone groove bit by bit until you reach a stop. That is the taichong point.
Acupuncture and acupressure are still being studied for their effectiveness in treating high blood pressure. However, many people have attempted it. Acupuncture can help you lower your blood pressure. However, a single or a few treatment sessions will not produce long-term results. This treatment will require several weekly sessions as a long-term option for lowering blood pressure.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Acupuncture is generally considered safe, with few to no risks of side effects. However, you must be treated by a fully trained, experienced, and certified acupuncturist. People who have had some side effects have reported one or more of the following:
- Bleeding or bruising.
- Pain at the point where a needle was inserted during treatment.
- Dizziness.
- Nausea.
- Tiredness.
More problems can occur if your acupuncturist is not adequately trained or experienced. You should also expect additional complications if your acupuncturist does not sterilize the needles. It is recommended that needles should be used only once for patient safety. That is standard practice for adequately trained, experienced, and certified acupuncturists.
Severe malpractice cases can result in infections and severe side effects like punctured organs and injuries to the central nervous system. To avoid those side effects, you must be cautious when looking for an acupuncturist or a holistic healing clinic. Before hiring an acupuncturist or clinic, do a thorough background check on them. You could look for referrals from patients who have benefited from acupuncture. It is easy to find a trustworthy clinic if you seek a recommendation from your family and friends.
Also, inform your acupuncturist of any previous medical conditions you have been treated for. A brief medical history will allow them to determine whether acupuncture is appropriate for you. For example, it could be a risky treatment if you are allergic to metals or have hemophilia. Your acupuncturist can advise you on your treatment options once they have your medical history.
Find an Experienced Torrance Acupuncturist Near Me
High blood pressure is a severe medical condition that, if not treated, can be fatal. After consistently high blood pressure readings, health experts recommend immediate intervention. However, treatment can be extensive, requiring you to take medication for the rest of your life in some cases. Acupuncture is a powerful treatment that uses natural and safe remedies to lower blood pressure and improve overall health. Although the effectiveness of acupuncture in reducing high blood pressure is still being debated, several studies indicate that it can enhance blood stimulation, promote relaxation, and improve blood pressure. Trinity Acupuncture provides high-quality treatment services delivered by trained and experienced Torrance acupuncturists. We could be exactly what you want if you consider acupuncture to manage your blood pressure. To learn more about what we have to offer, call us at 310-371-1777.